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- Create Date January 10, 2025
- Last Updated January 10, 2025
Kasese District Forest Development Plan
The framework and context for the development of the District Forest Development Plan
(DFDP) has its origin in the National Forest and Tree planting Act 2003 (NFTP) and the National
Forest and Tree planting regulation, 2016 (NFTPR).The act provides for the following:
the conservation, sustainable management and development of forests for the benefit of the
people of Uganda, declaration of Forest reserves for the purpose of protection and production
of forests and forest produce, sustainable use of forest resources and the enhancement
of the productive capacity of forests,promotion of tree planting and consolidation of the law
relating to the forest sector and trade in forest produce. Part II sub-section 8 (1) of the regulations
requires districts to develop DFDPs. Section 8 (2) provides that subject to sections
47 and 48 of the NFTP Act the District Technical Planning Committee (DTPC) shall prepare
a district Forest development plan, focusing on local forest reserves, community and private
forests and any other category of forests in the district.
The vision of this DFDP is “A green district by 2040”. The Mission is “to ensure delivery of
services towards greening of the district for ecological benefits and improved community
livelihoods. The goal is: Increased and sustainably managed forest resources for environmental
and ecological benefits and improved community livelihoods. While the Purpose/
Focus is Sustainable management and utilization of forest resources for improved livelihoods
This DFDP is a product of the stakeholders in natural resources management and was prepared
by the District Technical Planning Committee (DTPC) on behalf of the DEC and supported
by World Wildlife Fund for nature Uganda Country Office (WWF-UCO).
The DFDP is divided into six chapters namely: Introduction, Forest development planning,
Situation Analysis, Plan of Action, Implementation of the plan and Monitoring and Evaluation.
The process of developing the DFDP used a participatory bottom-up planning approach.
The Participatory Rural Appraisals (PRA) were undertaken to gather data from sampled
Sub-counties in the district.Other stakeholders like Uganda Wild Life Authority (UWA), National
Forest Authority (NFA), Timber Traders and Tree growers including conservation Civil
Society Organizations like Mubuku Integrated Farmers Association (MIFA) were consulted.
The “vision-based” participatory planning methodology was used at both the sub-county
and district levels.
Data gathered through this process was analyzed and synthesized. This information was
then reviewed to incorporate the new and emerging issues like Climate Change, Disaster
Reduction and Risk Management. The major district issues or problems identified included
reduced tree cover, inefficient timber conversion and wood utilization, reduced revenues/
income from forest related enterprises, weak institutional capacities to manage and utilize
forests and trees, reduced benefits from ecosystem services and ineffective implementation
of responsible forest management and conservation practices. It was observed for instance
that Kasese district has a bare hill area equivalent to 29.6 Km2which is a potential area for
viii District Forestry Development Plan - Kasese
commercial tree growing. The objectives of this plan address the issues above.
The total amount of money required to implement this plan in the 10 year period of the plan is
31 billion UGX. This money is expected to be financed by the different stakeholders including
the Central and Local governments and the different stakeholders to this cause as named in
the stakeholder analysis.
The monitoring and Evaluation scheme is incorporated as one of the major parts of the DFDP
and actions to be addressed while implementing the DFDP are outlined. The continuous or
periodic surveillance of the physical implementation of the DFDP will ensure that inputs, activities,
outputs and external factors are proceeding according to plan.
Finally, it is worth noting that this DFDP belongs to the people of Kasese District especially
the grassroots stakeholders from whom the priority issues/problems originated. The District
Council approved this DFDP for implementation in order to restore and sustainably manage
the degraded forest resources and realise the District Development and Forest Vision. At
their various levels, the local governments through their local councils and sectoral committees
for environment and production shall support and promote implementation of the DFDP.
This shall be done together with the on-going activities relating to environment and natural
resources management in the District, which, include Government of Uganda and bilateral
donor supported projects and others by Non-GovernmentalOrganisations and Community
Based Organisations.